Students share best ways to handle pre-exam stress

Marisa LeBello, Staff Writer

Now that spring break is over, reality has set in. There are just four weeks left until the end of the semester. It’s the home stretch.

For some, this means the start of a relaxing summer and for others, it’s the start of an internship or entering the work world. No matter what the future holds, everyone feels some sort of relief after the semester ends and final exams are over.

To get through the month of overwhelming stress, everyone has their own way of passing those classes that seem like the worst thing ever.

Like many students on campus, sophomore Lauren DalSanto works throughout the week. She also goes home on weekends to work a second job, so following a study plan makes her life a lot easier as she manages a busy schedule.

“I make a list of what needs to get done and in which order to stay organized and on task,” DalSanto said.

When finals come, it’s a true test to see how well note-taking went during the entire semester. It’s important to actively pay attention in class and to jot down main points. This will avoid cramming down the line and make studying easier.

“I rewrite my notes to help learn the content and then work chapter by chapter,” DalSanto said. “If an exam is on chapters one, two and three, I will study chapter one Monday, two on Tuesday and three on Wednesday and then review them all on Thursday.”

This strategy can help with the overwhelmed feeling most students experience. Another tip is to set measurable goals because they can help stay on track and increase confidence, which also has on impact on success.

Sophomore Tommy Welch takes an alternative approach to organization and admits to his tendency to procrastinate.

“I make up for it by spending time in a distraction-reduced environment,” Welch said. “Being in the library help me zone in.”

Welch said he likes that UW-Whitewater offers quiet floors but recognizes the crowds that form when finals get close.

“It’s possible to focus somewhere else too, especially if you just turn off your phone and just get started instead of waiting until you feel like studying because that will never happen.”

While silence helps some focus, junior Emily Sensiba has found that studying aloud helps her learn the best.

“When I teach it to someone else, I retain the information a lot more than I would if I kept re-reading it,” she said.

Whether there’s an empty classroom or a friend listens in, students may find that their own words can help assess comprehension and aid the memory.

Seniors usually believe the last month of school to be the toughest because of how close they are getting to walking across the stage to receive that diploma.

Senior Brennan Vicker attests to the last few weeks being the hardest to get through, but sees the light at the end of the tunnel.

“I follow what I’ve been doing for the last three years and over-learn the material before exams,” he said. “Getting good grades and finishing college is the only motivation I need to finish up the semester.”

There are endless strategies when it comes to studying. Students need to explore their options and find out what works best for them.

As tough as finals can be, the hard work pays off after logging into WINS and seeing that you’re one step closer to graduation day.