Class group project idea transformed into reality


Graphic by Carlie Herrick

Hailee Jensen, Staff Writer

Whitewater Police will be shown appreciation at a luncheon on Nov. 4 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Innovation Center, thanks to the students Brenna Larson, Lauren King, Cynthia Gempeler, Tanner Larson, Derek Demott and Austin Kadulski.

Professor Bill Lowell’s Communication and Team Building class has students in the class put into groups to learn team building skills. Having them work together to think up, plan, and put on a project. The students had worked together to come up with a list of projects that they could accomplish, and what had stuck out to the students was giving appreciation to the police.

“We thought it would be really great to do something for the community, considering what has been going on and in the nation, it would be nice to give back to our local police officers and let them know that they are valued and we appreciate them keeping us safe,” Senior Brenna Larson said.

These students thought the police in the community deserved to be recognized for all their hard work and service they put into the community each and everyday. Not many service projects are held to appreciate the police.

“It’s always good to show appreciation even in these hard times, regardless what side of the spectrum you’re on, letting them know is something worth doing. And also to let families know that these people are protecting your children while they are at college,” said Senior Brenna Larson.

The lunch is designed for officers to come and eat when it accommodates their schedules the best. With their busy schedules, the officers can come in at a time that works the best for them, and if need be, they can take their lunch to go. At the lunch officers will get the chance to enjoy a barbecue lunch along with receiving a certificate for the appreciation for their service and mingle with other officers.

“Even though it’s a school classroom project, hopefully it will inspire other ones to maybe do something just to say thank you, even if it is just coming to them and thanking them, and just getting the awareness out,” said Senior Cynthia Gempeler.

The project’s intentions were to help students work together on an event, as well as bring awareness and appreciation to the community for our police officers.

These students ask for people to show their appreciation by donating to the event on their, GoFundMe page: have the hopes to reach their goal of $400. This money going to paying for the luncheon and any extra money will be going to the officers themselves.