Welcome to another semester filled with books, new memories and a life of bleeding purple.
Coming to a college campus for the first time can be both a terrifying and exciting experience — sometimes both. Adjusting to the campus culture, a new lifestyle and a busy schedule are all challenges faced by many incoming freshman. But don’t fret, because it gets easier, and college isn’t as scary as it may seem at first glance. We bring you advice and recommendations on surviving your first year of college from the Royal Purple editorial staff.
“Keep a balance between your short-term wants and your long-term goals.”
—Kimberly Wethal, Editor-in-Chief
“You’ll get homesick, and it’s very tempting to go home. While that’s nice sometimes, it’s important to stay on campus some weeks too, so you can meet new people and develop independence.”
—Brad Allen, Managing Editor
“Use instructor office hours. I’ve always left them feeling less stressed and feel that my questions have been answered. They are there for you to use.”
—Brian Schanen, Web Manager
“Get involved on campus. It opens up new opportunities and friendships.”
—Betsy Ennis, Biz & Tech Editor
“You have the ability to choose your friends. You don’t have to stay friends or be with someone you don’t like. It’s a whole new place full of people you can become great friends with.”
—Nicole Aimone, News Editor
“Get to know your adviser and make them love you. Having them as a resource can be ridiculously helpful for more than just picking out classes.”
—Monica Hart, Copy Editor
“Always have the courage to try new things and step out of your comfort zone, don’t let fear hold you back. The opportunities are endless.”
—Kirsten Tyrrell, Graphics Editor
“Get involved on campus. UW-Whitewater has tons of clubs and organizations that will help you have fun, make friends and build relationships and skills for your future.”
—Kolton Hegstrom, Sports Editor
“Don’t change who you are for any reason other than to better yourself.”
—Benjamin Pierce, Assistant News Editor
“Don’t be afraid to say ‘No.’ You know your limits and if you ever feel overwhelmed between classes, work and activities take time to evaluate what you could take a break from and what is necessary.”
—Anna Catlin, Social Media Manager
“Reach out to your parents, grandparents, etc. You don’t have to message or call them all the time, but they are definitely just as nervous as you being away from home for such a long time. Always find the time to shoot a quick text or phone call to tell them what cool stuff you’re doing and that you’re safe.”
—Connor Moore, Copy Editor
“Don’t be afraid to leave your comfort zone. Even if your roommate or friend doesn’t want to try something new, don’t let that keep you from experimenting/trying new things.”
—Josie Broxson, Advertising Representative
“Be nice and outgoing, and try to make friends. Laugh and be happy. Go to sporting events and enjoy other events. Yes, you’re tired, but get out of your room and be as social as possible anyways.”
—Devon Gille, Opinions Editor
“Grads come from good grades.”
—Evan Halpop, Photo Editor
“Do what makes you happy, and be around people that make you happy. Value your own time and don’t let others waste it. Also, budget your money.”
—Brandon Brabender, Business Manager
“It’s okay to lose a sense of who you are at some point in your college career. Life is all about changing, constantly finding out what you like and don’t like. Don’t be afraid of change; go out and experience new things.”
—Catherine Smith, Lifestyle Editor
“Make sure to make academics are your first priority, but also don’t let your school work consume your free time completely. Make time for things you enjoy, and try to leave time to simply just wind down.”
—Jack Miller, Assistant Sports Editor
“I recommend students really focus on academics their first semester of college and try not to get distracted by everything else that goes on at a major university. There are so many wonderful things that happen on a college campus, but class needs to come first. After that first semester, start adding on more extracurriculars when you can.”
—Dr. Keith Zukas, Faculty Adviser