AAUP Chapter says Evers will improve quality of UW System

Elena Levy-Navarro, Vice President of UW-Whitewater AAUP Chapter

We, the UW-W chapter of the AAUP join the AFT-WI, in endorsing Tony Evers for Governor of Wisconsin.  As professionals dedicated to the university and our students, we write to urge you to vote in the upcoming election for governor.

The future of the university system depends on who is elected, and the choice could not be clearer. Four more years of Governor Walker’s policies – who has a history of attacking education after elections – would be a disaster for our university system.

The quality of the UW System will erode if the state continues these failed policies of slashing the university budget, imposing tuition freezes that are unfunded, and engaging in partisan attacks on tenure and shared governance rights. Some of the best and brightest university professionals have been leaving our state, and we know that a strong university system makes a strong state.

In contrast, Tony Evers will work for us. His vision includes a commitment to reinvest in the UW System, to restore tenure and shared governance rights and to fund the tuition freeze. 

—Elena Levy-Navarro
Vice President of UW-Whitewater AAUP Chapter