Greek egg hunt gives back to community
Members of Phi Delta Zeta, Delta Zeta and Congregational UCC pose with the easter eggs and their sign before the big easter egg hunt April 8 2023. (FELICITY KNABENBAUER)
April 9, 2023
Hundreds of colorful eggs were hidden throughout Starin park the day before Easter, Saturday Apr. 8. No, these eggs were not hidden by the easter bunny. Instead, the eggs were hidden by UW-W Phi Delta Theta members for the annual community easter egg hunt! Dozens of families turned out for the event, baskets in tow. While last year’s egg hunt still had snow coating everything, this year’s weather was fairly nicer with blue skies and dry ground.

While the easter egg hunt was free for everyone, the objective behind it was to get proceeds towards ALS research. There were many small children, as young as toddlers, seen walking up with dollars clutched in their small hands to donate towards the LIVELIKELOU foundation. This seemed to be a fair exchange as they filled their baskets to the brim with eggs that had a variety of different candies inside them.
It seemed anyone who participated in the event was in high spirits, especially the ones who had set up the hunt itself.
“The initial rush of all the parents coming, that’s one of the most exciting things about this event. Last year was a big hit too. I was like, ‘Wow, I can’t believe all these people came out,” said philanthropy chairman of Phi Delta Theta Brandon Castro.
While there were a few easter egg hunts throughout the city of Whitewater, this one became a popular choice as after the egg hunt was over there were still many children left playing on the park equipment while snacking on their newly discovered sweets.

Although many college students have not participated in an egg hunt in years, members of Phi Delta Theta got to relive part of their childhood through conducting this event.
“I always enjoyed Easter as a kid,” said member of Phi Delta Theta Samuel Murnane, “Especially running around with the scavenger hunt aspect. I think that putting on an event to give back to the community is a really fun way to spend my Saturday.”
Phi Delta Theta continues to make a difference through their Greek organization with events such as these. Although the goal was to raise awareness and proceeds for ALS, the easter egg hunt was also an opportunity for children in the community to have fun during the alluring spring weekend. To learn more about Phi Delta Theta’s latest fundraisers as well as updates visit here.