May 7, 2014
By Jake Bergstrom
Where has the time gone? I remember five years ago moving into Lee Hall and going to all the Plan it Purple activities. Now I’m done and ready to start my first real job. College has been five years of learning, literally. It was learning how to live on your own, how to go to class and get homework done without anyone telling you to and how to become a more social person.
College was a huge wake up call the first year and a half. I had some poor high school habits I had to get rid of if I was going to graduate from college. I quickly learned that not paying attention and trying to study at the last minute was not a way to get good grades. College taught me work ethic and that you should take pride in the work you do even if nobody else recognizes it but yourself.
I am most thankful for my parents and how they supported me over the years. They used a good mix of helpfulness combined with a tough love approach to get me through college. I’ve also met a lot of lifelong friends along the way. I live with or still talk to everyone I met in the dorms four years ago. Although I am excited to be done with school and move on to the next chapter of my life, I will miss it a little bit.
I want to say a special goodbye to all my friends and co-workers at the RP. I’ve met a lot of new friends who all supported each other in the stress of being a bunch of students trying to run a professional newspaper. There were a lot of learning opportunities along the way that I will be sure to remember once I’m in the real world.