Feb. 2, 2016
In my column last week, I feel that my approach sounded rather cynical, so this week I chose to look on the brighter side of things.
I often wonder about what it would be like if all college students could know for sure that as soon as they graduate, there will be a job available for them in their respective, chosen career field.
Ideally, it would be amazing for everyone to have 100 percent certainty of achieving their dream jobs. But if that were the case, would our dream jobs be as special?
Part of what makes our dreams so grand is that it takes an incredible amount of dedication and determination to get there.
If a person could choose to scrape by in classes for four years while another student works hard to maintain a perfect GPA, and they both are hired on as full-time accountants at a well known firm, then the person who worked hard could feel discouraged.It would be almost as if their hard work was pointless.
My issue with the current job market is specifically that some career fields are in lesser demand, discouraging some students from pursuing certain career paths out of fear of not being able to find a job after college.
Although there are not a lot of jobs available in fields like philosophy or archeology, that doesn’t mean it is impossible to find work. Where there is talent, there is opportunity. Those who truly have the drive to see their own dreams through until the end will likely manage to find work in their dream career, despite such a cutthroat society.
Perhaps it is a good thing that the job hunt is not always easy or simple, because that way we are encouraged to strive to achieve our goals, rather than to scrape by and be handed everything with
too much ease.
Although there are some cases in which people work very hard to achieve a desired career field but fall short, difficult experiences can help mold us into strong, hard-working people, and might even contribute to guiding us towards better career options.
If you strive to be a historian analyst on the History Channel, the odds may be low of finding such a job right away; however, your efforts might land you a job as a history professor or guide you towards a similar type of field.
Although the job market can be harsh, I think it’s probably for the best that achieving our dreams isn’t easy, because some of the best things in life happen as a result hard work and perseverance.