New parking regs ruffle some feathers
September 3, 2018
The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater has put new parking regulations in place that include a higher price per permit and an increase in fines for campus parking lot violations.
A Wisconsin state statute designates UW-W as a self-sufficient entity. The only way parking services receives state funding is through permits or citations. UW-W Police Services Chief Matt Kiederlen claims that the changes were necessary.
“In a perfect world, of course we would not have to write any citations,” Kiederlen said. “But

all maintenance and upkeep are charged back to parking services, so we aren’t able to do that.”
Following a Pavement Maintenance Study requested by the Wisconsin Department of Administration, the parking services as a whole were found not financially sound, with a large backlog of maintenance needs.
“Because we made the changes all at once, they look much more drastic than they are,” Kiederlen said. “If we had been progressively increasing prices over time, I don’t think we would have gotten as much backlash.”
Many students and staff are not happy about the changes, though they understand the reasons behind the increase in prices.
“I get why they had to raise prices,” junior Tristan Woods said. “I’d just personally rather not pay as much money.”
Also new is the increased charge on a written citation. By the original changes, a citation would cost $100 for the first offense, and $100 plus the cost of a tow on the second offense.
After many shared opinions about the new costs, they were revised. Now, the first offense citation will cost $50, the second will cost $100 and the third will cost $100 plus the price of a tow.
Even Kiederlen is not immune to the increased costs that come with the regulation changes.
“I pay it too; I don’t get a free parking permit,” Kiederlen said. “In the end, there is just no simple solution to the problem. We are just trying do what we can to make sure the university continues running as smoothly as possible.”