Issues arise for Warhawk’s laundry in local residence halls

It is already bad enough to do laundry in college, when you have to go downstairs multiple times a day, carrying your heavy laundry, and have the machines be continuously full. It’s even worse when you have to walk all the way to another building with your laundry bag, and then back to your dorm once you realize that they are, again, already filled.

When beginning college, basic amenities are promised, and students expect them to be delivered on. This inconvenience has caused real problems for students in the halls in the six pack: Arey, Fricker, Bigelow, Benson, Clem and Lee.

I know of one student who had her clothes taken out of the dryer in Starin Hall and put on the dirty counter before they were done drying because of the lack of dryers.

It is unfair to the students that construction lasted so long into the school year that it stopped us from having access to the amenities we pay for.

Arey got access to dryers a week into the year, but it is worse for the other halls who still do not have access. It is inconvenient for residents in the halls who rely on what the school provides, including the dryers.

Having to access another hall to get laundry done is not ideal. While I live in Arey and have dryers now, I will have to share those dryers with other students in other halls, and I will probably still have to wait for one to be open often.

I wish that UW-W had planed better to avoid this inconvenience. I am disappointed in its inability to follow through on their job of making sure their residents have access to utilities that were promised.


-Alison Acker
