Faculty Research showcase
Assistant Professor in the college of education – Courtney Luedke.
December 2, 2019
The Scholarship and Creative Achievement Exhibition was held Tuesday, Nov. 19, in the Crossman Gallery to showcase the works faculty and staff have accomplished in the past year.
Violin and cello music was played as many people attended the annual thirty-second reception of the exhibition to view the wonderful achievements made or brought in by faculty and staff. This exhibit showcased the works of both UW-Whitewater and UW-Whitewater at Rock County campus faculty and staff members.
“I think the most challenging part is just finding time to do the research because, here at Whitewater, we do a lot of teaching, a lot of advising and a lot of service work. So, finding time to do research can be challenging,” said Courtney Luedke, who is the Assistant professor of curriculum and instruction and had her three journal articles showcased.
The type of work that was brought in to the event was work that the faculty and staff have accomplished in the last year. Every year, there is something slightly new and different to be showcased in the event that makes the exhibit worthwhile to see.
“It’s just the whims of how things changed from when you sent your work off to be published to through the publishing process. And some people have a ton of stuff and it just takes work to go through it all,” Diana Shull said, who helped organize the event and is the reference and instructional technology librarian for the Anderson Library.
The exhibit was set up with white, square pillars positioned everywhere in the Crossman Gallery with works of journal articles, books and other accomplishments placed on the pillars. Artwork was also showcased. There was a big pizza that looked life-like on the floor and pictures of set layouts and costumes for past performances were displayed on the wall.
“It makes me feel, I don’t know, good, but it also makes me open-minded to what other people did and what their artwork is like. I’ve never been to one so it’s very interesting to me and new,” said Emma Sullivan, who is a freshman, majoring in Communication Sciences and Disorders—Speech Language Pathology.
As attendees, faculty, and staff wandered the gallery admiring the creative achievements, some light refreshments were served as people mingled with one another. The music also resonated inside the gallery, giving the event a friendly and welcoming atmosphere.
The Scholarship and Creative Achievement Exhibition reception took place from Nov. 18 – Nov. 21. The Crossman Gallery is located in the College of Arts and Communication.