Editor thanks university community and campus newspaper for personal growth throughout collegiate tenure

Scout Springgate, Editor

As my academic tenure here at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater nears its terminal end, I would like to give thanks to those who have spurred me on throughout my four magnificent years here and reformed me into the person I am today.

First, I must give my thanks to all of my professors who have interacted with me either through instruction or casual conversation. What I have gained through the collective conversations with you all is priceless, and I will treasure them for the rest of my life. Having entered this university in 2016, many important local and global events have occurred that I would not have fully appreciated nor understood the magnitude of such events without your presence.

Next, I must thank the faculty of this fine institution for assisting me in my endeavors and motivating me to strive for the best. Without the efforts put forth by the faculty of this institution, I would never have been able to accomplish such feats.

Specifically, an extra emphasis goes to those who assisted me in my endeavor to uncover and write a comprehensive investigative story about the mysteries pertaining to the Feb. 7, 1970 arson that destroyed most of Old Main Hall. Through months of cooperation and collaborative research, I was able to accomplish this in time for the 50-year anniversary in February 2020. This accomplishment is one of my many crowning achievements at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater and I could not be more thankful for the tremendous support received.

Finally, my Royal Purple family. I joined the Royal Purple in Fall 2017 with no journalistic experience, but had a passion for writing. Since then, I have completely transformed into a confident, competent and qualified leader in the newsroom through my interactions and lessons learned from coworkers.

Entering this academic year as Managing Editor, I wanted to establish a “family-like” atmosphere in the office so that everyone works together toward a common goal, printing a weekly publication. For the most part, that atmosphere was successfully maintained and I feel many have benefitted from it tremendously.

Personally, that atmosphere has allowed me to grow as a leader, manager, and writer while passing down lessons to coworkers at the same time. Although there were some rough parts throughout the year, I feel as though the staff’s willingness to stick together is something that I truly admire.

Now serving as Editor for this final edition of the Royal Purple for this academic year, and my last as a student at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater, brings me to a bitter-sweet realization that I made it to the end. Obviously a pandemic-induced ending was not what I had envisioned, but I have reached the end of my tenure in the highest position in the Editorial Department. To think in 2016 that I would end my collegiate career as the Editor of the Royal Purple would have been far-fetched, but here I am.

To close out my Royal Purple and collegiate tenure, I would like to preach nothing but love and appreciation for all who have transformed me into the Scout Springgate that is present today.

Thank you all,

Scout Springgate