University shared governance supports BLM


Related photo: The Fight Against Police Brutality-Whitewater group marches in Whitewater on July 7.

Dauntae Green, Lifestyle Editor

The Black Lives Matter movement is rising up from all over the United States and across the world to build local power and to intervene when violence is inflicted on Black communities by the state and vigilantes. On campus, the Whitewater Student Government (WSG) and Faculty Senate passed resolutions in support of the historic movement over the summer, which was approved by university administration.

Whitewater Student Government passed the Resolution in Support of BLM Movement Aug. 18 to provide backing for African American students and organizations on campus. The show of support is to convey understanding of the need to take action in this movement to push for a better future for the campus, and the world without discrimination of skin color of an individual.

“It is to understand and support BLM even through this climate – that we’re all equal, and to support everybody in the BLM,” said WSG Student Affairs Director Jaida Shellaugh. “Work together, come together. Have comfortable conversations with each other about what is going on, and support the BLM.”

Directors Jaida Shellaugh and Jason Knoll created the WSG resolution. Senators Laura Pina, Matt Schweinert and Davin Stavroplos sponsored it.

“The Black Lives Matter movement means that all lives matter, but Black lives matter right now in the everyday climate, and focuses on making things better,” said Black Student Union President Rahenya Anderson. “We hope that people will come out more knowledgeable about the everyday issues, bring more action, get issues resolved, make campus come together, and stop issues from being swept under the carpet.”

The Resolution in Support of BLM Movement was also approved unanimously by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, which represents the Faculty Senate over the summer months.

“Passing the resolution makes a statement to be something that endorses approved results showing that we agree with the ongoing issues,” said Faculty Senate Chairperson Tracy Hawkins. “We hope it will bring Whitewater community, students, faculty, governance, organizations all together to work for equity, diversity and inclusion. Ensuring that work environment, learning and mental health are being taken seriously. Changes need to take place.”