Don ye ugly Christmas sweater

Christmas is coming around the corner at UW-Whitewater and the best way to celebrate

Dauntae Green, Lifestyle Editor

A fun and cheeky way to celebrate the holidays can be through the donning of ye annual ugly Christmas sweater. Ugly sweaters can be wacky, embarrassing, a drag, or very festive to celebrate the spirit of the holidays. It is something that you can show off to your friends and family with photos full of jolly joy. Warhawk Alley even has an event to show off people with the best ugly sweaters on campus. It all happened Nov. 30 through Dec. 12 as people strutted their stuff in holiday garb through the University Center. 

“It was for students on game nights, created as a fun way to be inclusive and to show the holiday spirit,” said Leann Sullivan, Warhawk Alley program assistant.

They gave out chances to win some unique opportunities and fun rewards for wearing an ugly sweater to the Warhawk Alley. They included a dollar off bowling, one free hour of bowling, and a one free hour of billiards. It also involved a free bowling pass through Dec. 16 and a free Warhawk Alley T-shirt. 

Ugly Christmas sweaters can be a fun way to celebrate the spirit of the season with good cheer. You can do group photos, be goofy with themes, go bowling, venture out in public to see the looks you get, or just sit back with hot chocolate in hand while watching holiday movies. Go out there in the world and show off your cheer with the joy of ugly Christmas sweaters.