Staff support you


Alicia Dougherty, Assistant News Editor

A city-wide power outage delayed this month’s Mar. 4 University Staff Council (USC) meeting until around 11 a.m. keeping the virtual gathering brief, but uplifting with a focus on how staff can support campus members through the pandemic. 

USC Chair Jacqui Palcic brought up the idea of showing gratitude to the UW-Whitewater staff that continue to work on campus during the pandemic. Many ideas were pitched from giving out gift cards to food vouchers. Ultimately, it was determined that a significant gift of monetary value to each staff member would far exceed the USC’s budget without excluding staff members. Palcic encouraged members to “think outside the box” on ways to accomplish this initiative before their next meeting next month. 

The meeting’s discussion then turned to supporting student organizations and their causes on campus. Supporting mental health groups during the Mental Health Awareness Month in May, and Suicide Prevention Month in September was pitched by the Palcic. USC member, Cyndee Sentieri thought the timing was right to begin supporting these causes. 

“With this year we have had, this is a perfect time to support our students’ mental health, because you get so far behind in your college career it can put a lot of stress on you,” said Sentieri. 

Other events such as Boss’s Day and National Smile day were in discussion as a way of promoting the USC and its constituents while also showing support for the campus. 

“It’s a way of getting our faces out there, but also a way to do something positive for our staff and our students,” said Palcic. 

Before the meeting was adjourned, it was noted that these events and initiatives are ever more important for mental health as campus members continue through this isolating time. The next meeting of the University Staff Council is scheduled for April 1.