Good days for Greek life ways
Delta Zeta Members in the UW Whitewater University Center Selling Baked Goods for Charity on October 20th, 2021
October 24, 2021
The ψυχή (soul) and ευτυχία (happiness) of Greek life are circulating the UW Whitewater campus. Rushing for incoming members happened about a month ago and now things are kicking into high gear with initiations. There is a lot that goes into Greek life and many reasons why it is such a big deal and important to people part of it. Contrary to popular opinion or stereotypes, hard-working students put in the time and effort to make good things happen from Greek life. So, with the winter season approaching, hard work and amazing new and old individuals are making great things happen.
Along with giving UWW students friendship and opportunities, there are specific things Greek life does for the community around them.
Delta Zeta president Mickey Topp, a junior double majoring in general management and entrepreneurship says, “Something unique about Greek life is that, unlike the other organizations on campus, we fundraise 100% of our own money because we do not get to petition for money from SUFAC. I think that is unique because we are a self-sustained organization! However, what Greeks are most proud of is by far our Philanthropies. We each support a different cause, Delta Zeta’s being speech and hearing. Within the past month, Delta Zeta has raised over six hundred dollars for speech and hearing causes.”
Although it is a requirement for members to do a certain amount of community service hours, the Greeks love giving back to the community regardless of requirements.
Some fundraising events coming up in Greek Life are the Delta Zeta Bake sale and the “Cheesy With The Deezy” drive-thru through Delta Zeta as well. Delta Chi has a Founders Days Gala as well as a golf outing for the Unity Foundation around this time of the year. Other houses such as Sig Toa have started philanthropy events also.
Muriel Mora, a freshman on campus, majoring in German education says, “I really like the bake sale because the proceeds go to our philanthropy and also it’s really good food.”
“In winter we have a social event that seems very exciting. It’s a formal and I am very much looking forward to that,” says Owen Hirsch, a freshman on campus, whose major is undecided. Hirsch also mentioned an event coming up in December. “It’s called Buy a D-CHi. It’s where we go and make slideshows for ourselves and then normally women will bid on us. Then the highest bidder, we go out to dinner with them.”
The stereotypical sororities and fraternities come into mind when most of us think of Greek life. However, in reality, Greek life is prestigious in many different ways.
“We don’t want to portray the classic Greek life you see misrepresented on tv, books, and in movies. A lot of the rules I cannot speak about on behalf of Greek life because it varies between chapters but generally, all Greek chapters want their members to participate in community service and uphold the values of the organization,” Mickey Topp said.
In a way Greek life is raising young, leadership type women and men to fulfill their duties as a student and in their community. Ultimately, Greek life aims to give back to the community through many different fundraising activities and by making the individual members specifically into great contributors to the community on and off-campus. Throughout winter, Greek life houses will make their mark on the UW Whitewater campus and the Whitewater community by gathering their resources to make the different fundraising and social events happen.