Student government extends support for organizations
Prospective senatorial representatives for Esker Dining Hall prior to the interview by the WSG panel on Sept. 19.
September 25, 2022
On Sept. 19, Whitewater Student Government appointed five new senators to their eboard and elected an additional three. During the meeting, the board addressed additional planning for the year, as well as what they are looking for in a new chancellor.
Looking into the semester, WSG is working with student orgs around campus to ensure they are

getting representation and exposure to the entire UW-W community. In upcoming weeks, they are working with UHCS on their Sexual Health Carnival to help them meet their goal of 50 student attendees. Additionally the board, especially Director of Student Affairs Mikey Topp, is looking to help the food services on campus receive employees to let more options remain open for larger student and staff dining options. Assistant Director of Student Affairs Matthew Schweinert added that in a meeting with Terry Tumberello, Resident Life Director and Executive Direction of Housing, personally walked through each resident building, noticing that Bigelow Hall will be the next focus of repairs.
President Will Hinz shared that the organization continues to “look for values [of a new chancellor] to benefit our community.” He added that he is hoping for someone with a “holistic experience on student affairs,” to best benefit student-run organizations around campus. As the search for a chancellor continues, Hinz and the rest of WSG encourages all students to get involved in the process, as they will directly impact the student body.
From a more positive perspective, WSG is continuing to highlight local businesses in their meetings.
“NiMia More, a sophomore majoring in Finance with an emphasis in Real Estate,” shares Director of Communications Honey Cawthorn, created MiasXartistary over the summer to share her small makeup business because she “loves how makeup makes her feel confident, and brings out a new feminine side of her, so she had to share her brand with the world.”
As WSG is highly focused on their support and future of student-run businesses and organizations, they took time to formerly honor Tom Lange, a lifelong volunteer and alumni of UW-W.
As the fall semester continues, the Whitewater Student Government continues to be a group that brings direct positive impacts on what goes on on campus involving the student body.
For more information on WSG and their upcoming events, go to their website,