Alarming end to Fall Faculty Meeting
Fall all faculty meeting
Interim chancellor John Chenoweth presenting during the fall all faculty meeting on Oct. 18, 2022
October 23, 2022
Alarms were sounded during the Fall All Faculty Meeting Oct. 18, 2022, but not in the way many would think. The fire alarms in Hyland Hall caused an early adjournment, interrupting Interim Provost Robin Fox’s question and answer session. The meeting highlighted academic programming and faculty pay updates, as well as the continuing search for the next UW-W Chancellor.
“On Oct. 24 and 25, the semi-finalists will be interviewed by the search committee,” said Faculty Senate Chair Tracy Hawkins, in regard to the chancellor search. “Once they name a list of finalists, they will be on campus Dec. 5 through 12. There will be a regional decision in January.”
Additional forums for the search will continue during those times.
The meeting then shifted to Dr. James Hartwick, who presented the Faculty Compensation Committee’s goals for the current and upcoming academic years. As shared in the Budget Town Hall meeting earlier this fall, all faculty members will be receiving a 2% pay increase. However, Hartwick and the committee are working alongside the provost to compensate faculty members teaching additional courses.
“We heard that a number of faculty were engaged in overloading additional teaching for credit or credit bearing courses, and are concerned about them not being compensated enough, ” said Hartwick. “We are working closely with them and chancellor Chenowth who issued a memo to the dean’s asking department chairs to consult with their faculty department that during the academic year overload credit will receive compensation in some way, such as through monetary compensation course release.”
He continued by explaining the pay adjustments for summer and winter courses. Back in 2020, summer school pay was $5,700, but was reduced to $5,400 in 2021. For 2022, it was expected to drop to $5000, an overall loss of $700 in the past two years.
“Working with chancellor Chenoweth once again, he agreed to restore it to $5,400 and to keep it at that,” said Hartwick. “What we would like to see in the future is for it to be restored to the full $5,700 plus inflation adjustments.”
As the meeting progressed, interim chancellor John Chenoweth commented on the furthering success of programs supported by the University Program Array Review Committee as well as the waiting period of the recent visitation from the Higher Learning Commission (HLC).
“HLC did come to campus, and we had lots of meetings, met with lots of people,” said Chenoweth. “They then go away and write for about four to six weeks. That is where we are now.”
As the chancellor wrapped up his questionnaire with faculty members and interim provost Fox began her introduction, the fire alarms of Hyland echoed through the meeting room. Through a unanimous vote, the meeting was adjourned.