Democrats of UWW host candidates, Planned Parenthood speakers
Speakers from left include Ann Roe, Brienne Brown, and Courtney Hayward, all shown waiting for a question to be asked after giving their individual speeches at the UWW Democrats rally Tuesday, Oct. 25.
October 30, 2022
The Democrats of UWW held a rally with Wisconsin leaders Tuesday, Oct. 25 who spoke about the importance of voting in the upcoming election. The guest speakers included Brienne Brown of Whitewater for State Assembly, congressional candidate Ann Roe running for Wisconsin’s 1st Congressional District and Planned Parenthood representative Courtney Hayward. Attendees discussed the real-world application of what voting can do for their society in terms of impacts on important issues to them.
During the meeting each of the speakers talked about their field beginning with Hayward from Planned Parenthood. Hayward explained the changes that resulted from the overturning of Roe v. Wade. She spoke about how college students have a voice and are able to use it for things such as encouraging their peers to vote, working on making their voice known, and informing the audience about Planned Parenthood actions being taken in Wisconsin.
“Motivate them to act, not just vote,” said Courtney Hayward. Her main goal of the meeting was to show students that they have a voice and can make a difference by not only voting, but by knowing the information at hand and using that to express their knowledge to others.
The next speaker was Brienne Brown who spoke mainly about how it is important that the organization stays the way that it is. She explained that it is essential healthcare for women, and how the organization was affected due to the pandemic. She believes that it is important to host meetings like this because it is a way for students to see the real-world applications of what they are learning in school. It is important, in her opinion, to vote as college students because these are the deciding factors.
Brown began to get involved with the Whitewater Common Council after she began giving presentations about the need for a grocery store in the city. She later used her passion for helping others as her driving force to fix things in Whitewater. During her speech she talked about her personal experience with women’s healthcare through Planned Parenthood, which gave the audience a window into the reality of Planned Parenthood as an organization beyond what’s shouted across picket lines.
“It is a beautiful thing to see the curiosity of the questions. Involvement in these conversations is key because democracy is fragile and is always requiring people to do better,” said Brown on the topic of the importance of these meetings.
The last of the speeches was given by Ann Roe, who elaborated on what she will do if she is elected, and how state policies will change. Like the other speakers, her main objective was to inform the audience of the importance of voting, why they should vote and how their voice matters. The event concluded with a Q&A session that brought the meeting full circle by allowing the audience to engage with the speakers directly.
“Choices are what make us strong,” said Roe on the topic of why college students should speak up.
Roe concluded the speakers of the meeting by expressing what she will do if she is elected to represent the state of Wisconsin in the U.S. House. Her main goal was to show the college students that even though they are still figuring out their lives, voting on their opinions is important not only to the election, but to them as a whole. She explained how when she was younger, she was given the chance to use healthcare services through Planned Parenthood, and how she will work hard to get that right back. Overall, her speech was not only a campaign for her, but also a chance to have the students know that they are heard, not only seen as voters.
To find out more about the Democrats of UWW and the election information visit Instagram and Facebook pages @UwwCollegeDems.