Time to apply for scholarships
February 19, 2023
Spring semester: the time that goes the fastest and the slowest. This upcoming week (Feb. 19-22) is scholarship season. The due date for a majority of scholarships is the 22nd, giving you time to review and submit them. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater has many scholarships that are available to all ages, majors, interests, and qualifications.
Scholarship manager Joette Mather wants students to know that she is “always willing to help students with any questions they may have” when asked what she wants the students to know about applications, which are located in WINS accounts.
These scholarships are to be awarded for the 2023-2024 academic year, and will ask their ‘credential standing’ and will continue to show students what they qualify for. Students can qualify for the scholarships by their year, GPA, major, academic college, or career paths.
There are a lot of scholarships that are available on campus, and one of the most interactive and involved scholarships on campus is called the King Chavez Scholars Program. Started in fall 1997 by Dr. Roger Pulliam and Dr. Richard Telfer, this scholarship was created for the diversity of students at UW-Whitewater and to encourage them to be interactive and involved.
“The goal of this scholarship is to recruit and retain marginalized students: first generation, underrepresented minorities, and low income students,” said Kin Chavez cohort Montana Peterson, a mentor for students in the scholarship program.
The main goal of this scholarship is to help the students that are underrepresented on campus to feel more comfortable transitioning to college, especially if they are first generation and have no idea what to do. This scholarship of $5,000 involves things to keep the students involved, including a fall transition program of being able to move on campus before school starts and creating learning communities. They are able to have research experience that will be helping them with their future careers.
Peterson also explains that these students are able to go to cultural events that will help them to learn more about themselves and others that are involved in their program. Considering research is a big part of who they are, as they want their scholars to be able to go straight into their career paths, and have a job.
The main way of getting students for this scholarship includes recruiting them right out of high school, as this is to help students that have zero college experience. The application process includes filling out a simple questionnaire about what their background is, and then there is an interview with the King Chavez cohorts and the head of the scholarship program to see how they interact.
“Students live it,” said John Dominguez Jr., director of the King/Chavez Scholarship program.
“A lot of students are close to each other, and to find the first contact in this community is shown and the diversity with students and mentorship is the critical part,” said Sarah Laoudolff, a King Chavez cohort member.
This idea of being a community helps the scholars as they all have different backgrounds but their career goals are very similar. This scholarship is also a stepping stone for the students to apply to the McNair scholarship, which is to prepare the scholars for their doctoral programs, and to continue on their academic journey.
Overall, UW-Whitewater has many scholarship opportunities that are for all students or for students that are underrepresented within not only institutions but in the workforce, helping Whitewater increase their diversity. Students should know that there are a lot of places to look for help with finances or with their scholarships in general.
To find more information on the scholarships available at UW-W, visit WINS and scroll to the scholarships area. Applications are due February 22. For more information email [email protected].