Pancakes for kids
April 30, 2023
The Whitewater Kiwanis Breakfast Club brought the community together with pancakes at the Whitewater Armory Saturday April 29 with hot syrupy pancakes, salty bacon and lots of smiles. The organization partnered with several other organizations to put on tons of fun events, creating an exciting day for families. Volunteers came from the UW-Whitewater Circle K, kids from Whitewater High School, and other area Kiwanis organizations. The UW-Whitewater Circle K is hoping to raise $20,000 to support the Whitewater Unified School District, help improve the lives of the children in the community, provide money for scholarships for the Youth Soccer Club, the Bethel House, Whitewater Food Pantry, Whitewater Aquatic and Fitness Center, and to provide for many more people in town.

“I’m here to give support for the community through the Kiwanis club. We are here to support the kids in the Whitewater community like the Bethel House, robotics club in the high school, the playground for the disabled kids, Youth Soccer Club, and support anything with the youth,” said Lieutenant Governor of Division 4 Kiwanis Wisconsin-Upper Michigan District Chairman Lorrie Koppein.
But besides raising funds there’s more meaning to the annual event, and that’s to bring the community together through fellowship. In the end, it’s all for the kids and that means the future of Whitewater.
“It’s really about the kids and for them. The kids in need are growing and this helps affect the immigrant children by helping them out. All of these donations are going to go for the children,” said Kiwanis Breakfast Club President Patrick Taylor.
There were many people from other Kiwanis Clubs near the area that came out to show their support, WUSD staff, Circle K from University of Whitewater, kids from the community, and many members of the community showed their support of the event.
“It’s well done, delicious and well attended,” said Kiwanis Breakfast Club member Kathy Durner. “It’s a great event that includes the young people and it’s meant for the kids.”