During the first Faculty Senate meeting of the 2023-2024 academic year on Sept. 12, UW-Whitewater Chancellor Corey King announced fall enrollment currently stands at 12,262 students, as well discussed with senate members current budget planning with Deloitte Consulting, staff promotions, and push for more inclusivity on campus.
With the estimated $680,000 budget cuts, King shared that the University of Wisconsin System has partnered with Deloitte Financial Consulting for the past six weeks to “help institutions become financially stable and to give us some strategies to focus on our structural budget deficit.
Currently, Whitewater is first in line and is in the process of working with Deloitte.
King similarly noted that full-time faculty and professors will be receiving a 1% raise.
“Our goal is to begin to talk about compensation inequalities, and talk about what it looks like in terms of comparison to other institutions in our state and in our region,” said King. “In the coming weeks there will be a campus wide compensation and benefits committee convening with representatives from faulty governance to talk about a university wide approach towards improving compensation on our campus.”

Provost John Chenoweth announced that within the past three weeks, the campus has welcomed 28 new faculty, and currently has 34 position searches in academic spaces. For the fall semester, the campus will be “kicking up the dean search for the College of Education Special Studies.”
As for the Rock County campus, “enrollment, percentage wise, is through the roof, and we believe that we are at about a 15% increase in enrollment from last year,” said Chenoweth.
As for the faculty senate, goals for the current academic year were put into discussion, including the restructuring of some committees, as well compensation for fall 2023 and spring 2024, the ongoing Faculty Layoff Policy, and improving transparency for the approval or denial of sabbaticals.
For more information on the faculty senate and their upcoming meetings, visit https://www.uww.edu/facsenate. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, and are open to the general public.