Suicide prevention starts with all of us. Suicide is the second leading cause of death among people aged 18 to 24. This is exactly our demographic as college students. We need to be aware of the people in our lives who may be struggling or know the resources available to us if we are struggling. Talking about suicide and mental health is hard. Often, we struggle in silence because we are afraid of what our peers will say due to mental health stigma. Luckily, we have resources on this campus that can help us spread awareness and prevent suicide from happening. On campus, we have free counseling services with UHCS and Winther Counseling. We have Active Minds, a student-led organization that works to smash mental health stigma and start the conversation surrounding mental illness and suicide. I joined Active Minds during my freshman year on campus because I struggled mentally and wanted a safe space to be myself and express my feelings. As a junior, I have fully become part of a community that cares about each other and works to create a safe campus where mental health struggles don’t have to bring you down. I am lucky to be the president of this fantastic student organization, and I am proud of our work. Even with these resources, many students still struggle with their mental health and are not aware of the resources at their disposal. For the goal of suicide prevention to work, we have to continue spreading awareness and talking about mental health. It’s okay not to be okay.
Harold A Maio • Sep 18, 2023 at 4:10 am
—We have Active Minds, a student-led organization that works to smash mental health stigma
Smash it? Do you not think it time we rejected it? It is long past time we did.
Harold A Maio