What does it mean to the library to receive $2.3 million dollars from our community?
In a word: Everything.
If you ask our staff what they like best about working here, they will tell you that it’s the patrons. We enjoy chatting with you at the desk. We love helping you find books. We celebrate with you when you get the job you’ve spent all day on the computer applying for. We adore watching your family grow and seeing your kids go from story time toddlers to LEGO builders to the teens who come in to craft.
Knowing that our community values this library and our work enough to raise that much money in so short a time is both gratifying and humbling.
Let’s face it-working in a library is not easy in this day and age. Library staff across the country are contending with everything from defunding to harassment to censorship attempts. We are so grateful to work in a community that is generous, kind, and supports our efforts to maintain and build library spaces, collections, services, and programming that are diverse, inclusive, and welcoming to all
We are excited to build on and improve what the community already loves about the library – welcoming spaces to play, work, study, and relax (including a revamped children’s section), increased opportunities to provide interesting and educational programs and events, a new and improved Makerspace, and so much more!
Whitewater, we appreciate you more than we can say. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We look forward to joining you all on this new adventure.