Happy New Year Fellow Warhawks! Welcome to the 2024 Spring semester. We are excited for what is to come this year!!!
The month of January so far has been a flurry of activity as we worked to implement the Pay Plan that was approved by the Joint Committee On Employment Relations on 12/19/2023. This pay increase for eligible employees is retroactive to July 2, 2023 and was paid on the January 11, 2024 paycheck. For further information on eligibility you can find the distribution guidelines on our website here: UWW Pay Plan Guidelines. For questions regarding pay plans please go to the FAQ page.
I would like to congratulate Continuing Education and Graduate Studies on being the first recipients of the U Matter Wagon! As we start this new year, let’s work together to let our coworkers, students and colleagues know that they matter and they are appreciated. Check in with someone you have not seen or talked to in a while, send someone who really stood out to you last year a note of thanks or appreciation. These small acts can really make a difference in how someone views themselves.
Happy New Year and let’s make 2024 the best it can be.