The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater hosts many camps and clinics throughout the summer, but one that happens every spring is the music clinic called Sounds ‘N’ Visions. The clinic is for elementary school kids and gives the kindergarten through fifth graders an introduction to music while doing fun activities. Not only does this help the kids broaden their perspective of music, but it gives future music educators at UW-Whitewater experience working with children. Every spring there is a different theme and this year’s theme was “Going to the Zoo” where there are masks shaped like certain zoo animals that the kids can decorate. What makes this clinic different from others is that the kids get hands-on exposure to brass, woodwind, string and percussion instruments. The clinic concludes with a concert to show off the knowledge that they gained through the experience. There were two sessions, one was hosted at Rock County on Feb. 9 while the other was hosted at the UW-W main campus Feb. 15.
Sounds ‘N’ Visions with future educators
Natalie Illikainen, Arts & Rec. Asst. Editor
February 16, 2025
Hannah Frohne teaches a music class to students, February 15, 2025.
Heaven Huse, Mitchell McCarty, and Trinity Mahnke distributing name stickers to kids at the front table, February 15, 2025
About the Contributor

Natalie Illikainen, Assistant Arts and Rec Editor