Student organization SEAL will be hosting a night club themed dance on Jan. 26, open to all UW-Whitewater students.
The dance, called “Night Club,” will start at 8 p.m. in the University Center Hamilton Room and is expected to last until 1 a.m. the following morning.
SEAL, who has hosted many other dance events, has a black and white theme for “Night Club.”
Brian Goetsch, a member of the SEAL entertainment team, has helped organize many events for SEAL in the past.
“This event will help to start off the beginning of the spring semester in a fun way,” Goetsch said. “This dance will definitely be something new and fresh.”
SEAL estimates that 150-200 students will be showing up to “Night Club” dance this Thursday.
“The beginning of each semester typically has a really good turn out,” Goetsch said. “It’s more difficult for our events later in the semester because most students have exams to study for.”
Usually, SEAL hosts two dances each semester, but this semester they decided to only do one and put the majority of their emphasis on the “Night Club” dance to make it bigger and more special, Goetsch said.
“Night Club” is free to all students as long as they have their UW-Whitewater student ID. For guests not from UW-Whitewater, they will need to bring another form of identification.
SEAL will be hosting many other events throughout the semester including Battle of the Bands, Campus Feud, speed dating and movies every weekend.
To find out more about what SEAL is doing this semester, check out their student organization website at: or follow them on Twitter @sealuww.