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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

High water and a closed boardwalk are seen at Whitefish Dunes State Park in Door County, on Sept. 23. (Photo: Brett Kosmider / Peninsula Pulse)

Wisconsin state parks battered as Lake Michigan shrinks beaches, smashes boardwalks

Mario Koran, Contributor December 12, 2021

Lake Michigan’s winds and waves have sculpted the landscape of Whitefish Dunes State Park, a must-see treasure along Wisconsin’s Door Peninsula. Water delivers fine sand to a shoreline that supports...

Chris Hardie was trapped on the roof when the ladder fell down. (Sherry Hardie photo)

Stranded on the rooftop

Chris Hardie, Contributor December 12, 2021

‘Tis the season for holiday lights and while I’m no Clark Griswold, I’ve always enjoyed putting up a few exterior decorations. The interior holiday decorating I leave to my far more capable...

Chris Hardie and his 9-point buck and an 18-inch antler spread shot opening day, Nov. 20, 2021. (Ross Hardie photo)

A sweet end to a successful hunt

Chris Hardie, Contributor December 5, 2021

The trees were silhouetted by the light of the waning but still large Beaver Moon as I slowly made my way down the hill toward my hunting spot. It was shortly after 6 a.m. Saturday, Nov. 20, the opening...

Wisconsin’s drop in tax rank among nation’s largest

Wisconsin’s drop in tax rank among nation’s largest

Wisconsin Policy Forum, Contributor December 5, 2021

In the span of two decades, there may be no state that has seen a greater drop in its tax burden than Wisconsin, which saw its ranking among states plunge from fourth to the middle-of-the-pack. The drop...

Half of this blue hubbard squash is big enough that Chris Hardie could wear it on his head. (Chris Hardie photo)

Bountiful squash, a tire blowout and reader response

Chris Hardie, Contributor November 28, 2021

The garden harvest season is long over, but we’re still enjoying the bounties. Sort of. A few weeks ago, I wrote about harvesting our winter squash, including a couple dozen blue hubbard squash....

Locals give wheel taxes the gas

Locals give wheel taxes the gas

Wisconsin Policy Forum, Contributor November 28, 2021

Collections from local vehicle registration fees in Wisconsin rose rapidly in recent years, with revenues tripling between 2017 and 2021. The trend was driven by new fees approved in Madison as well as...

Chris Hardie’s deer stand is ready for 2021 hunting season that opens Saturday, Nov. 20.

Making scents of deer hunting

Chris Hardie, Contributor November 14, 2021

I learned a new word the other day referring to the desire of hardcore deer hunters to be in their stand as the fall breeding season heats up. Apparently, a “rutcation” is when you set aside...

Records shed light on DNR board shenanigans

Records shed light on DNR board shenanigans

Tony Wilkin Gibart, Contributor November 14, 2021

The Natural Resources Board, an all-volunteer body that guides policy for the Department of Natural Resources, is part of Wisconsin’s tradition of open government. The idea to empower volunteers  —...

The tax credit to pay the salaries of local journalists is back in the budget bill

The tax credit to pay the salaries of local journalists is back in the budget bill

Rick Edmonds, Contributor November 7, 2021

Days after it was dropped from the House version of the budget bill, a tax credit to help pay the salaries of local journalists is back in. The measure still needs to win inclusion in the Senate’s version...

The view from atop Brady’s Bluff in Perrot State Park.

A view steeped in history

Chris Hardie, Contributor November 7, 2021

As we stood atop the bluff some 460 feet above the river, I was struck by the breathtaking vista before us. A few weeks ago, my wife Sherry and I hiked to the top of Brady’s Bluff in Perrot State...

Election 2020 report gives a little something for both sides

Election 2020 report gives a little something for both sides November 1, 2021

A highly anticipated new report from Wisconsin’s nonpartisan Legislative Audit Bureau seems to have given ammo to both 2020 election critics and defenders. The audit bureau found no widespread fraud...

Budget picture brightens considerably for Milwaukee County in 2022

Budget picture brightens considerably for Milwaukee County in 2022

Wisonsin Policy Fourm, Contributor October 31, 2021

Weekly Fiscal Facts are provided to Wisconsin Newspaper Association members by the Wisconsin Policy Forum, the state’s leading resource for nonpartisan state and local government research and civic...

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Founded 1901