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Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Founded 1901

Royal Purple

Back Home by Chris Hardie

Covered bridges still part of the landscape

Chris Hardie October 8, 2023

A year ago I wrote about some of the historic or memorable bridges that I have crossed or traveled to – including a few located near my home in western Wisconsin. The topic was a hit with readers,...

Remote work injuries

Remote work injuries

Brandon G. Jubelirer, Contributor October 2, 2023

At the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, many employees around Wisconsin transitioned from a traditional office setting to working remotely from home. Since then, new questions have been raised by...

Squashing the harvest

Squashing the harvest

Chris Hardie, Contributor October 2, 2023

Did you know that the word squash comes from the Narragansett Native American word askutasquash, which means “eaten raw or uncooked?” And did you know there are more than 100 varieties of squash...

Back Home by Chris Hardie

The slow turn of summer to fall

Chris Hardie September 24, 2023

The turn of summer into fall isn’t an overnight makeover but more like the gradual creation of an autumnal artist. It starts subtle with splotches of yellows, oranges and reds dotting the green canvas....


As other states go dry, Wisconsin’s water use plummets

Wisconsin Policy Forum September 24, 2023

Wisconsin seemingly swims in an abundance of fresh water. Unlike some western states that struggle with empty reservoirs and limits on growth imposed by water shortages, our municipal water supplies facing...


Property values increase by second-most in nearly 40 years; levy hikes lag inflation

Wisconsin Policy Forum September 17, 2023

Wisconsin’s 13.1% increase in total equalized property values in 2023 was the second-largest percentage increase since at least 1985, topped only by slightly higher growth in 2022. Gross property...

Back Home by Chris Hardie

Milker photo brings surge of memories

Chris Hardie September 10, 2023

One of the staple events during farm shows is the milking contest, usually pitting some local celebrity against another stripping milk from a cow’s udder. The rules vary, but the winner is usually...

Your Right to Know: Government lists are public information

Your Right to Know: Government lists are public information

Tom Kamenick September 10, 2023

As part of doing business, government agencies often maintain contact lists or distribution lists. These days those are typically email addresses, but they also can contain physical addresses or even phone...

Back Home by Chris Hardie

Nothing bitter about this island tour

Chris Hardie September 3, 2023

You can feel the history as you cross Death’s Door across the turbulent currents of Lake Michigan from the mainland tip of Door County to Washington Island. The six-mile crossing was once traversed...

Student absenteeism rises again; test scores still below pre-pandemic levels

Student absenteeism rises again; test scores still below pre-pandemic levels

Wisconsin Policy Forum September 3, 2023

Rates of chronically absent students continued to increase in Wisconsin schools in the 2021-22 school year, with the reported data rising even more sharply than during the first year of the COVID-19 pandemic. The...

Senior Accounting and Information Systems Student Grace Olson

Double major, 3.5 years, debt free and hired before graduation — How’d she do that?

Denise Olson, Journalist, UW-Eau Claire April 30, 2023

If you ask senior accounting and information systems student Grace Olson how she managed to complete a double major in under four years and will graduate with a job in hand and no loan debt to pay, she...

This gray tree frog recently emerged from hibernation on Chris Hardie’s farm.

A surprise spring lesson

Chris Hardie, Contributor April 30, 2023

I’m putting the blame squarely on Mother Nature’s shoulders, but it’s happening again this year, despite my best efforts to prevent it. This gray tree frog recently emerged from hibernation on...

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Founded 1901