Ken Bone: Leader of the undecided


Dusty Hartl, Opinions Editor

Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton squared off on the debate stage once again on Oct. 9. This time, however, audience members were allowed to ask the tough questions instead of leaving the job solely up to the moderators.

The questions ranged across a variety of topics and the individuals were just as diverse as the questions. The Internet declared a victor of the debate – that victor was Ken Bone.

Ken Bone was the mustache rocking, red sweater-donning man who asked a question about
domestic energy.

The candidates answered the questions as expected, and after the debate, Bone walked around the stage taking photos with his disposable camera.

Overnight he became a viral sensation going from just seven followers on Twitter, two being his mother, to more than 250,000 since
the debate.

In an election season filled with insults and an incredible amount of lying, it is nice to have a distraction from the day to day antics of political campaigns. Bone is more than just a man with a question, he is the person representing what a lot of people are struggling with.

During the debate he said he was an undecided voter, even after the debate this was still true. A large portion of the country is unsure who they want to support.

According to the New York Times, “15 or even 20 percent of voters either are undecided or say they support a minor-party candidate.” This means that nearly one fourth of people still do not know who they are voting for.

This is driving pollsters crazy because it is hard to identify who is leading. Without accurate polls, it is hard to predict which states will go to whom and what electoral votes will go to whom.

Bone pointed out that he is within the one fourth of undecided or uncommitted voters. This points to a strong problem this election season: People are still struggling with the decision on who should earn their vote.

CNN reports that Trump is trailing five points behind Clinton nationally. However, thanks to Bone and other undecided voters, those numbers could be wrong.

To say that Bone is wrong for not making a decision yet would be incorrect. The debates are not over yet, so to proclaim support for one candidate over the other without exploring all the facts and facets of the role of president could be jumping the gun.

With the outpouring of sexual assault accusations against Trump and the WikiLeaks emails against Clinton, both options are beginning to seem unelectable. Bone was the light that a lot of people looked for at the end of the tunnel.

Although in most states you cannot vote for Bone, or any other candidate not on the ballot, it is important to take his message with you to the polls. We have to go in the booth on Nov. 8 and vote for the best person we can think of to run the country.

We have to give the most powerful position in the world to either a billionaire or a lifetime politician. We have to do as much research as we can to make the most educated decision possible.

Bone is waiting until he knows all the facts to endorse one candidate over the other. The facts will, hopefully, allow you to help elect the person who will help set our country back on track and create a just society for our children.

Be a Ken Bone and do your research before Nov. 8.