Jacalyn Scott, president of Alpha Sigma Sorority and Jorge Quintana Medel, president of Lambda Theta Phi Fraternity, answer questions about their Greek organizations and their time as members.
Royal Purple: What is your biggest philanthropy event?
Scott: We sponsor Relay for Life here on campus.

Quintana Medel: American Heart Association Nickel Drive
RP: What sets your organization apart from others on campus?
Scott: We are a local sorority.
Quintana Medel: The fact we give an option to individuals on campus by allowing them to experience a rooted and cultural fraternity.
RP: What is the worst Greek stereotype your organization has been accussed of?
Scott: All Sigma and sorority women as a whole are catty and rude, and my response to that is we are women who stand for friendship, purity and sisterhood by helping others, and there’s a lot more to each individual sorority woman than you would see on one of their bad days.
Quintana Medel: Worst Greek stereotype about our fraternity would be that we’re all Mexicans in our fraternity, that we’re all thugs.
RP: What is the best part about Greek life?
Scott: Not only do I have 85 amazing sisters, I have 500 people in the Greek network I can always seek help from or get advise from.
Quintana Medel: The ability to meet so many people from diverse cultures and to know that they all value their fraternity/sorority in their own individual way.