Dec. 8, 2015
As I sit at the edge at the end of table in the center of the Royal Purple office, I look around at the room that I’ve learned to call my home for the past three years. There’s an ugly couch with questionable stains that’s held up by a cinder block, a creepy photo of a man with the First Amendment tattooed on his back and a “YOLO” hamster won after a night of drinking at a conference in Minnesota. Every inch of the office has a memory that I’m not ready to let go of, but it’s time.

Editor in Chief
This office that I’ve cried, yelled and laughed in wouldn’t be the same without the people who made the memories; the people who taught and guided me through my transition from staff writer to editor in chief. It’s my last night as their editor in chief and I’m listening to my staff tell inappropriate jokes about Santa and winking. These are the things I’ll miss the most.
To Michael Riley, my eternal boss, you were my guiding hand when I walked into the office, basically in diapers. Every position you had, I followed directly into your footsteps. If it wasn’t for your constant criticism and jokes, I wouldn’t be the editor I am today. You pushed me to become annoyingly anal-retentive.
To Savana Staggs, best friend and advertising manager, thanks for letting me complain about all of my trivial office problems. Thanks for being the person I could lean on when things we’re troubling me inside and outside. After everything we have been through, I know I will be able to count on you forever.
To Vesna Brajkovic, managing editor and mortal enemy (jokes), when I first joined the RP I thought we would never like each other. You were always my biggest competition, mostly because of the sheer talent and intensity you bring to the table. I’d like to think through your talent, you made me a better editor and person. I look forward to seeing all the amazing things you do in the future.
To Dr. Carol Terracina-Hartman, Ph.D, advisor and professor, you were a constant source of my frustration and headaches, in the best way possible. Every time you pushed me on a topic and I pushed back, I knew it was with positive intent. You became an angry Sicilian mom to me, only hoping to see her child succeed. I’m extremely grateful to have had you as an advisor through all the difficulty and drama.
To Ashley McCallum, lifestyle editor, remember when we didn’t like each other. Well, I’ve come to the conclusion that it may be because we make the same jokes and have the same attitude toward life. Never stop throwing shade and never lose your sense of humor. Use it as fuel to become the person you want to be.
To Kim Wethal, news editor, my apologies for the level of intensity I may have put on you at times. I believe I never gave you anything that you couldn’t handle or grow from. You are one of the most talented photographers and editors I have ever seen on staff. Someday I will contact you to take my Taco Bell wedding photos.
To Brad Allen and Emily Leclair, assistant news editors, I have been so impressed with the amount that you have grown since being an assistant. You were able to work with me through my news section breakdowns and for that you deserve a million dollars. Continue to grow and continue to improve. For you Emily, that means making a budget. For you Brad, stay away from the vape.
To Josh Hafemeister, copy editor and former managing editor, thanks for being my office dad. You are one of the only people willing to roll your eyes at and judge me for the sometimes senseless things I say or do. The amount of times you take verbal “dad and/or grandpa” beat downs is deserving of never-ending social security benefits in a few years.
To the rest of staff, you’re each deserving of a novel, but I’m getting long-winded. Thank you for the laughs. I look forward to seeing you grow and become amazing journalists, graphic designers and editors.
To the readers, thank you for following the writing of students who put countless hours and pour their hearts and souls into each piece they write, graphic they create, photo they take and section they edit.
Although this is the last time my words will be in the Royal Purple, its impact on me will last forever.