St. Baldrick’s buzzes heads for childhood cancer

Kappa Epsilon alumni Joe Neterval smiles while chopping his hair to benefit childhood cancer.
March 15, 2017
The third annual St. Baldrick’s fundraiser for childhood cancer research was held in the University Center Hamilton Room on March 12. The fundraiser was hosted by Sigma Sigma Sigma and Tau Kappa Epsilon (TKE)
The event brought in $19,780, falling short of their $25,000 goal.
Tri Sigma member Kayla Tevepaugh decided to shave her head at the last moment. Tevepaugh’s four year old cousin has battled leukemia after being diagnosed at Christmas time two years ago.
Tevepaugh has been a participant for the last three years. This event not only means a lot to her cousin, but to all the children Tevepaugh will encounter during her time as a childhood education major.
“These kids could be in my class one day, I could have a child who has cancer or has been through cancer, or even my kids could have families,” said Tevepaugh. “I wanna do this for my sisters because I know they will be there for me the entire time walking beside me around Whitewater with no hair.”
Event organizer and Tri Sigma member, Madison Smith, called the event extremely successful, and was thankful for all the participants.
“A truly impactful moment was when Kayla Tevepaugh shaved her head for the second time to honor her cousin Macy whose now four and in remission,” Smith said. “Her actions were so powerful there was not a dry eye in the room.”
Alumni Joe Neterval also came out to support the fundraiser. As a TKE in his UW-Whitewater day’s he supported his brothers and giving back.
“I think it’s important to be well rounded, you are privileged if you have a college degree, good to work on stuff for people who are underprivileged,” Neterval said.
Neterval plans on growing his hair out for the next year to come out and support the event in the coming year.
Each of the teams took turns sitting on stage to shave or cut their hair. As the day went on donations were accepted through cash, credit and Purple Points. Tables were set up to provide refreshments, raffles and silent auctions, as well as Love Your Melon, a company giving hats to every child battling childhood cancer. Also new to this year’s event, was the option to send a letter to a child in remission or cancer treatment.
Local Whitewater restaurants such as The Sweet Spot, Rosa’s Pizza, as well as Jessica’s Family Restaurant helped sponsor the event.
Tri Sigma sister, Gabby Miller, donated her hair for the first time. She expressed the emotional experience after Kayla Tevepaugh shared her story.
Having her hair in hand and not on her head was a weird feeling for her, said Miller.
“It’s something that brings all our sisters together, something awesome to be apart of,” Miller said. “I can’t wait for someone else to have it.”
Many people shaved their heads in support of a family member or friend. Freshman Nick Miller shaved his head in honor of his grandfather, who has stage four lung cancer.
Joe Pyzyk • Mar 15, 2017 at 5:33 pm
The St.Baldricks event was outstanding. The Tri Sigs and Tekes worked very hard on this and
made a difference for more research on childhood cancer. I was disappointed there was
very few people from the university there,especially faculty.