Devon Gille

Devon Gille, Opinions Editor

I come from the small town of Coleman. I am a sophomore studying International Journalism. I wanted to travel the world and write about my travels and experiences. As I grew up, I found the path I needed to take in order to make my dream come true, and I am accomplishing those steps.

My dream job is working for National Geographic. During my first year here, I wasn’t open to new things and hadn’t made too many friends. This year, I have been fortunate enough to become a Communication Ambassador and an editor for the school newspaper.

In high school, I was in track and field, on the forensics team and was in the National Honor Society. I always try my best at everything I do and am not one to quit. I try to be friendly and kind to others. I love watching football and my hobbies include running, sleeping and spending time with my nieces and nephews.

This year has opened up so many opportunities already and everything is a learning experience for me, but I am trying my best. I hope to bring interesting and likeable stories that will keep you guessing or open your mind to new things.

My goal is to look back on what I’ve done here and be proud of myself. I look forward to what this semester has yet to offer for me and all the new people I’ll get to meet and possibly work with.