Meet the new voice behind WSG

Benjamin Pierce, Staff Writer

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater student body has a new voice.
The sophomore accounting major Charles Kudy will serve as speaker of the senate for the UW-Whitewater Student Government for the remainder of the year after winning an 11-10 second-round vote at the Oct. 23 senate meeting.

One senator abstained from voting after the issue was brought up by the general body – which cost senior senator Sean Spangard, Kudy’s second-round competition, from forcing a tie. Kudy did not abstain from the vote.

Senator Daniel Brever also ran for the position and won a single vote in the first round of voting.

The newly appointed speaker plans to focus on three things during his tenure.

“I would like to focus on inclusivity, communication and bonding if chosen as speaker,” Kudy said.

Kudy proposed the idea of having the senators’ name cards at meetings include their preferred pronouns for reference.

Inclusiveness was his first objective, Kudy said, but an increase of communication between senators was perhaps his the bigger emphasis.

“I want to make sure that all information is communicated clearly and accurately to everyone,” Kudy said. “I want to change the tone of the senate. We need a more friendly, talking atmosphere instead of a lecture atmosphere. We need to be more understanding of each other and our abilities. Lecturing each other on what we should not be doing is not productive,” he told fellow senate members at the election.
He also proposed more bonding for the student government body in events such as dinners and sporting events.

“The bond between us senators is not as strong as it could be and that is holding us back from  serving the students here at our highest capacity.”

WSG will also look to fill the deputy speaker position after another resignation at Monday’s meeting.