Aspiring Educators hold annual conference

Gabriella Neurock, Lifestyle Editor


On Saturday, March 10, the Aspiring Educators held their annual “Adulting Your Way to Financial Security Conference” in Hyland Hall. The event was put on by members of WEAC (Wisconsin Education Association Counsel), the state level of the organization, for other aspiring educators.

The Aspiring Educators organization brought in various speakers offer guidance for students on becoming financially after they graduate college. The guests covered topics such as “8 financial moves you should make before you turn 50,” “What to expect regarding benefits as a public school employee,” “Options for student loan repayment” and “Benefits available to Aspiring Educators right now with Member Benefits.”

The event was geared towards those who are planning on having a career in education or are at the state level in the organization, but all students were encouraged to attend.

UW-Whitewater Aspiring Educators chapter president Tiffany Timpel said, “They can get the financial tips and benefits from the event, but they can see what exactly our organization has to offer.”

Timpel stressed the importance of the event and why it would be beneficial for other students not involved in the organization to attend.

It is important for all students coming out of college thinking, “‘okay how do I budget, how do I prepare for my future such as when it comes to benefits and saving,’” Timpel said.

The Aspiring Educators organization is a local organization here on campus that is for students pursuing a degree in education and is also affiliated on both a state and national level.

Roughly 30 to 40 30 to 40 students are involved at UW-Whitewater. Students are also involved at  various other campuses statewide such as UW Madison, UW River Falls, UW Eau Claire, UW Platteville, UW Parkside, UW Green Bay, UW Stout, UW Stevens Point and UW Lacrosse.

Timpel also expressed that the organization helps students make connections and network with current teachers, teachers that have been teachers for more than 40 years, first-year teachers, members of school boards within the state, and union members, and also gets them involved on a state and national level before they graduate.

Aspiring Educators meet Monday nights at 6 p.m. in Winther Hall, Room 4010.