Follow the purple pawprints

Students find stress relief in furry friends

Katelyn Black, Lifestyle Editor

Beyond the line of purple pawprints along the floor of the Andersen library lies any student‘s key to stress relief: pet therapy.

“We have community members and their certified therapy animals come in and offer their companionship on a weekly basis,” said Serell Martin, PR and Outreach coordinator for the Andersen Library.

“It’s a great way for students to escape from some of their academic obligations, while having a sense of comfort restored from interacting with our therapy dogs.”   

“Pet therapy is something that existed well before my start here, and it continues to be a hallmark for us here at the library,” Martin stated.

Students enjoy their time with the dogs, and the staff enjoys the positive effect it has on the students.

“Its message coincides with the overall direction at Andersen library,” said Martin.

“We want to ensure that we are positioning students to be their best selves on a daily basis. That entails providing them with resources and space to be studious.”

Martin suggests the weekly session for anyone who gets something out of interacting with animals.

The next pet therapy session will be Monday, Oct. 8 in the “Big TV Area” of the Andersen Library,  just beyond the purple pawprints.