Later, skater
Freshman Angel Navarrete steps off his skateboard to say hello outside Heide Hall Nov. 8.
November 8, 2020
You’re walking through campus to class. You hear a noise start to approach you from behind, and you watch someone zip past you on their skateboard. Skateboarding is a noticeably popular form of transportation on the UW-Whitewater campus this year. Skateboarding allows people to get from the faraway dorms down to the center of campus near Main Street in a shorter amount of time.
Although not everyone is popping ollies, we do have some talented skateboarders here in Whitewater. Freshman Angel Navarrette has developed a passion for skateboarding throughout the years and brought that talent to UW-W.
“ I skate around campus because it gets me there faster and I really like how accessible the university is. It has a lot of ramps and hills which are super fun.”
Navarrette has a big heart for skating, so much so that by next semester he hopes to create a skateboarding club with other skaters on campus.
Growing up I have always wanted to learn how to skateboard because in my hometown of Beloit, Wisconsin there is a pretty big skater population attending two large skate parks. I tried a few times, but I’ve always been worried about hurting myself. Maybe next semester we can learn from the pros together in the skate club.