Thanks for the experience

Ryan Piontek, Contributor

With graduation arriving in May, it’s overwhelming to think about all the hard work and effort that I’ve put in these past four years. My last semester here has definitely been the hardest with classes and opportunity to seek further employment. I applied for the Royal Purple in fall of 2020 to further educate myself on how to become a leader and understand the responsibility of one. With my degree in communication, I knew that this organization and staff could help me further my knowledge and skills to be ready in the near future. The Royal Purple has taught me how to work hard and to achieve a goal. When I first started at the Royal Purple, I had struggle to successfully complete sales, but now that I have had the training and the experience, I feel that I can hold myself accountable for my position as an advertising manager.

I would like to thank Dr. Keith Zukas along with the other staff at the Royal Purple who helped guide me and provided information on how to grow as an individual and as a team member. I have grown many relationships with other students from this campus throughout this internship experience.

With all this being said, I would like to thank the Royal Purple again bringing me on as an advertising manager and trusting that I could help lead this organization to success. With this experience, I now have the opportunity to show my skills and knowledge in the workforce after graduation.

Thank you,

Ryan Piontek