Students attended recruitment activities put on by the Greek councils last week to help determine which chapter is right for them.
The UW-Whitewater campus holds three Greek councils. The Panhellenic Council is made up of the four sororities on campus; Delta Zeta, Alpha Sigma, Sigma Sigma Sigma and Gamma Alpha Omega.
The Interfraternity Council makes up the multiple fraternities on campus: Phi Chi Epsilon, Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia, Pi Kappa Alpha, Lambda Theta Phi Latin Fraternity, Delta Chi, Lambda Alpha Upsilon, Lambda Chi Alpha and Sigma Tau Gamma.
The third council is the National Panhellenic Council. This groups the sororities and fraternities that do not fall under the IFC or PHC.
Fraternities and sororities on campus have dedicated time to inform students interested in the four sororities that make up the PHC by hosting their events together as one large group. PHC sponsors the entire formal recruitment process for the sororities every fall.

Sororities held two information nights last week to allow students to hear what going Greek was all about. On Wednesday, house tours were given in all the four houses to the ladies who
were interested.
On Friday, girls met at Starin Park to enjoy a cookout/barbecue while getting to know each other.
Pan-Hellenic Council President Sarah Suter said the PHC usually recruits around 50 to 60 new members for all the sororities combined during the fall process.
The recruitment process in the spring, however, usually attracts fewer women because it is informal.
Phi Chi Epsilon New Member Educator Pat Lonergan said the fraternities that make up the IFC hold individual events for each chapter.
Lonergan has been an active member of Phi Chi for four years. As the new member educator, he organizes recruitment events and helps get men interested.
“Each chapter is given three nights over the course of two weeks where they pretty much just get out there and do fun events for interested young men,” Lonergan said. “We really get to know the guys and they get to know us. We see which house fits them best and if they are interested in going Greek.”
Phi Chi Epsilon hosted two cookouts, one outside of the Wells complex and one near the six-pack dorms.
“We’ve been keeping our events basic this year, just because we feel we have a lot of quality guys in the house,” Lonergan said. “We feel like we can really sell ourselves.”
Phi Chi hosts a formal info night at the fraternity house today. Lonergan will speak to them about community service, the brotherhood event and the philanthropy of the chapter.
As a freshman, going up to a sorority or fraternity house can be deemed as intimidating, so the Greek chapters hold informal events on campus to give students a chance to be in their own environment.
Although sororities and fraternities engage in various activities for recruiting new members, all have some form of a bid night in the end.
Suter said bidding is when a sorority or fraternity extends an invitation to a student to join their chapter.
Freshman Shane Christensen has been attending the different events put on by the chapters.
“I’m new on campus and the Greeks are just really friendly people,” Christensen said.
This Friday will conclude rush week for IFC chapters, ending with a bid night.
Last night, women interested in joining PHC sororities attended a sisterhood night in Esker. There, students got to learn of what the chapter is really about and what it can help them achieve as a student, friend and a leader.
On Thursday PHC sororities will host a preferential dinner at the specific houses.