Combatting the fake news stereotype

How can people in the journalism field move past the news reporting stereotypes of ‘fake news?’

Journalism Professor James Kates

“The best way for journalists to head off accusations about “fake news” is to be forthright and transparent about the newsgathering process. Readers should be told who owns a news medium, where the medium gets its money, who the editors are, and what the editorial aims of the organization are. Stories should be thoroughly sourced, with the sources identified by name whenever possible. Claims about “fake news” should be answered with documented, verifiable facts. News media should be open to criticism, but willing to answer criticism vigorously when warranted.” – Journalism Professor James Kates

UWW-TV Director Jim Mead

“It would be in the best interest of those in journalism to remember the immortal words of legendary broadcaster Edward R. Murrow who said, “To be persuasive we must be believable; to be believable we must be credible; credible we must be truthful.” Bottom line, eliminate your personal biases, do your research, double-check your work and simply report.” – UWW-TV Director Jim Mead