All students should vote
Photo provided by George Savage
UW-Madison alumnus, senior auditor and Emeritus (Languages and Literatures) Professor George Savag
October 30, 2022
As a Professor Emeritus (Languages and Literatures) who is fearful for our state and national democracies, I urge ALL Whitewater students to vote by November 8. In my lifetime, elections have always been hyped as “the most important ever,” but this time I think that statement is true.
I hope you will not think this election is of no consequence because it is a Midterm. This year the Midterms are every bit as important as the election in two years for President.
The choice is so clear, so obvious, that I will not insult you by telling you who to vote for.
I will merely state again that our democratic form of government is on the line. If you care about this, please vote.
-UW-Madison alumnus, Senior Auditor and Professor Emeritus of Languages and Literature