The Arboretum at Starin Park


The Starin Park Arboretum located near the Wells Residence Hall offers students a glimpse of peaceful nature on their walks to class.

Andrew Beckman, Streets & Parks Foreman/City Forester

Arboretum by definition is a place where trees, shrubs, and herbaceous plants are cultivated for scientific and educational purposes by what Merriam-Webster says. Starin Park Arboretum is a collaboration between numerous government, private and educational entities to promote a place where education and biodiversity can take place. Along with an opportunity to increase our urban forest canopy cover by replacing lost trees due to emerald ash borer and disease. This project gives everyone the opportunity to learn about the different trees and shrubs growing in the park and the benefits of having them growing there. For more information about the Arboretum at Starin Park visit

The Starin Park Watertower can be seen behind one of the trees and is a favorite site at Halloween.
The Starin Park Arboretum features many different kinds of trees including towering pines.
The entire Whitewater community can enjoy views of the arboretum walking through Starin Park or from walking 360 degrees around it on paved sidewalks.