The return of the mullet
April 23, 2023
You may have been seeing a trend lately around town creeping back from years ago. Whether a returning nightmare or something to make you smile, like it or not, mullets are coming back into style. Yes it’s all business in the front and big party going on in the back.
One place in particular to see it these days is in the return of the classic baseball mullet.
Mullets and baseball have been hand in hand since the late 70s’ and continued to grow in popularity for decades until the early 2000’s. During this time many baseball players, such as late pitcher Roy Halladay, opted for a shorter and more convenient hair cut during their time playing in the major leagues.
Baseball players have been wearing the traditional baseball mullet since the 1800’s. Long before the rock stars of the 1980’s got a hold of the “ business in the front, party in the back” look. The style began to pick up pace once more when it became a trend in the late 60’s for men to grow out their hair longer without any stigmatization.

One of the most famous mullet heads out there is pitcher Randy Johnson, also known as “the Big Unit.” While his mustache at times could be equally stunning, Johnson was commonly seen throughout his years playing professional baseball wearing a variety of different lengthened mullets that looked even better on him each and every time he had the do. One of the most majestic mullets Johnson has ever pulled off was in 1989 during the time he was being traded off to the Mariners. By the time Johnson had hit his 300th win while with the San Francisco Giants he was still sporting the stache and the mullet.
Another major league baseball player known for his distinguished hairstyle was first baseman and outfielder John Kruks. John Kruks was a baseball player that was hard to miss on the field. The 200 plus pound, three-time MLB All-Star was photographed most of his career flaunting his thick mullet. After retiring as a player, Kruk became a baseball analyst for ESPN. He is now a color commentator for Phillies’ games on NBC Sports Philadelphia where he can still at times be seen sporting a very short but still there mullet even after all these years off the field.
Although the rise of the Mullet began to trickle away by the 2000’s it has since again built up steam amongst not only professional baseball players, but those on the college level as well. Shortstop James Dansby Swanson with the Chicago Cubs is a current major league baseball player who is idolized for his modern day curly baseball mullet.
This trend has swept up the UW-Whitewater baseball team as well. Players such as junior pitcher Cade Berendt and junior pitcher Max Husboe both sport the style underneath their baseball caps. Time will only tell if the classic baseball mullet is here to stay for good.