Take a chance because it’s all worth it in the end


Felicity Knabenbauer Managing Editor

Felicity Knabenbauer, Managing Editor

It feels as if I have lived a lifetime just in my four years here at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. I began my journey living on campus my freshman year before being thrown into online learning. Like many students, I persevered and came back in person to achieve my bachelor’s.

Now with graduation just around the corner, I look back at my time here at UW-W and bittersweet emotions well up inside me. While I may never have to pull an all-nighter for an assignment again, I will also have to say goodbye to the many encouraging professors who got me where I am today, as well as the town I grew to love.

I am so entirely grateful for the opportunities that were provided to me as well as incredibly proud of myself for taking a chance at every occasion such as when I applied for and then accepted to be a reporter for the Royal Purple newspaper.

Doing this allowed me to make unbelievable memories every semester as I worked tirelessly to get on the dean’s list. One such memory is when I interviewed the down-to-earth former NFL player LeRoy Butler. Another is the day in late September when I personally interviewed current governor Tony Evers during his visit.

I would like to thank all my professors from U-Rock to UW-W for everything. A special shout out to Dr. Zukas. He took a chance on me my junior year before promoting me to managing editor just a year later after witnessing my passion and determination.

If I have any advice for incoming students, especially inspiring journalists, it would be “carpe diem.” As in, take a chance and seize the day. Don’t let opportunity pass you by and always try even with the possibility of failure.

If I had not followed this advice early on I have no clue where I would be today. I know as I write this that I am more than ready for that next big step into the unforeseeable yet exhilarating future. I congratulate all my fellow 2023 graduates and I cannot wait to cross the stage with you all into the next chapter of our lives.