Who doesn’t love breakfast as a late-night study snack – especially during final exams?
The Esker Dining Hall staff wanted to make sure Warhawks’ minds and bodies were fueled up for finals by hosting a late-night breakfast Dec. 6 from 10 – 11:30 p.m. University Housing and Dining Services hosted the event at no cost to residence hall students.
“It’s important for our students to know that they are always supported by our staff,” said Executive Director of University Housing Terry Tumbarello. “They chose to attend a university that has extreme compassion for our students. We always try to put students first, and this is one more example of us trying to provide an experience for students that helps support their ability to navigate in a healthy way that also allows them to destress and be successful.”

(Alexa Stirn)
Over 700 students showed up to the event. Large lines of hungry faces wrapped around the main lobby, winding around to the conference rooms to the bathroom hallways. Staff stood near the entrance and directed students through the end of the line.
“We have to make sure we have enough staff volunteers to staff the program,” Terry Tumbarello, executive director of university housing, said. “University dining also has to schedule a certain amount of staff, prepare the menu and have enough product on hand.”
Dining staff in purple polos stayed up late to prepare all the breakfast fare and hand out hearty portions. A menu of pancakes, sausage, eggs and much more was served to students. After getting their plates, students sat down in booths to discuss their final exam studying strategies and quiz each other in preparation for those terrifying tests.