Hello Fellow Warhawks and Happy Spring!
I hope everyone was able to take a moment and breathe and relax over Spring Break. We are heading into the final weeks of the semester and there is a lot going on! I want to remind supervisors that performance evaluations are due June 30, 2024. Please contact us if you have any questions. The Universities of Wisconsin has developed a System Wide Workplace Bullying Policy. Video training will be coming soon.
I want to thank Josey Suiter for her time with us in the HR Department. Josey has left to pursue other opportunities. We are sad to see her go, but are excited for her new adventure. Please continue to send your paperwork to [email protected]. If you have questions please call x1024.
Congratulations to Facilities Planning and Management for receiving the U-Matter Wagon!!! It is well deserved. A huge thank you to every single one of you, for all the work you do!!!
Make sure to stop in at the Wellness Fair on April 9th in UC 259 A&B from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm. Don’t forget to sign up for WINGO! Turn in your card by June 28th to get your Warhawk swag and a chance to win lunch with Chancellor King or Provost Chenoweth! Go to the Worksite Wellness page on the HR Website for more details.
Congratulations to all of the Years of Services Awardees! It was such a pleasure to watch you all receive the recognition you deserve for the great work you have done for our university. Thank you, Thank you! Congratulations to Chancellor King for receiving the Well Wisconsin Spotlight Award for Championing the U-Matter at UWW initiative, the inspiration for others and their well-being and making all employees feel like they matter.
I hope you all have a great rest of the Spring Semester!