Spring in Whitewater calls for more activities, especially outdoors. A warmer season, flowers blooming and possibly a large gathering of people wandering around Main Street hopping from party to party. The last thing mentioned is the Spring Splash event that the City of Whitewater hosts every year in the springtime. A day that many people plan to enjoy responsibly, of course.
The event took

place this year on Saturday, April 20, in the morning and into the early morning of the following day. The weather wasn’t ideal, but people still showed up to party. With temperatures barely reaching over 40 degrees, a lot of winter clothing was still being worn. The Wisconsin weather didn’t deter the Whitewater faithful that was determined to celebrate. Citizens and out of towners crowd the streets and party around the city.
Promoters and businesses around the city post on social media platforms to inform others about the deals they are having for the special weekend. A Spring Splash Facebook page and Instagram account have dedicated merchandise available for the event. From years past, the event has been a success and people want to get in on the festivities.
The hype around Spring Splash lasts throughout the year and for a good reason. People usually group up to drink alcohol and party away. This year the event also happened to land on 4/20, which is a day notoriously known for cannabis purposes. With both of these events coexisting, it is difficult to predict what may happen. These are a few of the reasons why police monitor the event with a lot of caution.
Out of all of the days in the year, this is one of the busiest and most unpredictable days in Whitewater. That also meant that law enforcement was needed to attend to whatever mayhem ensued. Police officers in surrounding departments were willing to help out and lend a hand when needed. This year seemed to have nothing out of the ordinary. The day parties started in the morning and lasted until bars close so officers were stationed around the action all day and night.
The amount of work that goes into planning and working around the event is a lot. Walking around the city, you can find litter and people scattered all around. It’s important that the cleanup is as successful as the party because we want to have a clean community that represents who we are as people. Plus, the city wants to have the event every year and we should do anything we can to show our gratitude for everyone’s efforts.
The event attracts visitors from out of state and naturally a lot of college students. A lot of people look forward to the festivities that Spring Splash offers and plan their schedule around it accordingly. The community still loves the event and represents it to the fullest. There are events that are similar to Spring Splash like the Mifflin Block Party, which is in Madison and is next weekend, but this event is dear to Whitewater and its citizens.