My significant other has been partying a lot lately, and I am not really into the party scene. What should I suggest as an alternative?
SHE SAID – Carley Rymkus
In any relationship, compromise is a vital element. If your significant other frequenting the bars so often is taking a toll on your relationship, then you definitely need to bring up the issue and try to resolve it.

You could tell your significant other that it would be nice to have a movie night where the two of you could stay in, make dinner and watch movies or television shows all night. This allows the two of you to have some one-on-one time with each other and do something a little different.
You could also suggest getting out of Whitewater for a night so that your partner isn’t tempted by the bars downtown. You could make a night of it by seeing a movie, grabbing coffee at a coffee shop or exploring another cities downtown life. Exploring a new town would be a good bonding moment for the two of you.
It might also be nice if you each pick a day where one person decides what the two of you will be doing and then you rotate the next time you see each other. That way, the two of you won’t be doing the same things every weekend and will have some variety to your plans. You will also be able to partake in an activity that you enjoy then too.
Even if going out may not be your favorite thing to do, sometimes you have to go to activities that might not be in your particular interest. Showing your partner that you are willing to do things that are interesting to them will show your significant other how much you care.
No matter which path you decide to take, communicate with your partner and work towards a conclusion that satisfies you both.
HE SAID – Paul Usher
With the party scene way up or down, it’s nice to take a step back every once in awhile, grab my partner and go do something else. For example, go back to the first restaurant you went on a date. The impact of the first meeting has an overwhelming charm to it. This will be a great surprise to your lover and might just make them “weak in the knees.”

The most important thing to remember is timing. The weather can make or break a date so be sure to check it beforehand. Remember to also make sure you know their schedule so there are no conflicts.
Be flexible with your partner, and if you have to reschedule for another time, do so. This is supposed to be a fun time for you and your significant other. After lunch/dinner pick out a park or place that you can go to and just chill out and talk. If you are going to the park or beach, bring a blanket so if the grass is wet or the the sand is cold, your partner is nice and comfy.
For topics to talk about, pick out some mutual things you’re both interested in or grab the nearest smartphone and check out the constellations. See who can find each other’s sign first. If you’re far enough in your relationship just hold them tight and allow them to fall asleep in your arms. Word of warning- make sure to not stay too late past park hours otherwise you can may have an officer waking you up and kicking you out. Trust me, this is not a fun experience.
If all else fails, just grab a movie that they like and find the neariest couch and blanket. It’s never bad for a couple to get closer to each other. Just make sure to pick out a movie they will like so they will be intersted and engaged.