News editor Ben Holzhueter picks his top five favorite television series returning this spring.

1. “Mad Men”
Don Draper and the Sterling Cooper Draper Pryce gang return for another round of good old 1960’s fun: heavy boozing, chain smoking and reckless philandering. The first four seasons had some of the most exciting moments and greatest drama I’ve ever seen on a T.V. show. There hasn’t been much information released on exactly what will take place this season, as creator Matthew Weiner is notoriously tight-lipped. But, you can bet that there will be some major ramifications for everyone after last seasons shocking finale.
2. “Community”
One of the funniest shows currently on television, and it’s facing possible cancellation. This criminally under-watched gem is back after a three-month hiatus. It took me a little while to warm up to “Community” with the likes of “The Office” and “Parks and Recreation,” two of my favorite shows ever, overshadowing it on NBC. However, now that I’m fully invested, I never miss an episode and would be majorly disappointed to see it go.
3. “Game of Thrones”
This historical drama/fantasy epic has become a surprising crossover hit for HBO. Fans of the show rave about its greatness on both ends of the spectrum. The characters are complex, layered and constantly in danger of meeting their maker. Mixed with great story telling that keeps you coming back for more. “Game of Thrones” is set to be an even bigger distraction for students this year, especially now that the campus offers free HBO.
4. “The Killing”
The best show you’ve never heard of. AMC has been on a roll recently with original programming and “The Killing” is their newest hit. It’s a murder mystery that plays out over the course of an entire season. For a show only heading into its second year, I was majorly impressed with the gripping suspense and interesting character development they pulled off last year. I can’t wait to see what’s in store for this season.
5. “Bob’s Burgers”
With the rest of Fox’s “animation domination” line-up either past its prime or simply unfunny, “Bob’s Burgers” is a fresh animated comedy led by the hilarious H. Jon Benjamin. His voice work is top notch and the rest of the cast deliver as well. The show delivers consistent laughs, so if you feel like trying something new, give this one a chance.