It’s that time of year again! Nearly everyone enjoys dressing up for Halloween, but being busy college students, some of us might not have any ideas or money. No worries. These are five costumes that are easy and cheap.
1. ’80s guy or gal
Who doesn’t love the ‘80s? Girls: you will need a loose shirt, shorts, leggings, leg warmers and heels or sneakers. Tease your hair, and make it huge or put it up in a high ponytail with a scrunchie. Add a headband, some hoop earrings and bright eye makeup. Guys: it’s time to put on a shirt. Oh, and pop the collar, too. Wear some jeans and roll up the bottoms just above your ankles. Add a jacket and sneakers (Converse, if you have them). Spike your hair and bring some retro sunglasses.
2. Replacement Referee
Either find a referee shirt or make one. Using tape (at Wal-Mart, duct tape is as cheap as $3), apply black stripes to a white shirt or vice-versa. Wear black pants and black shoes and finish off the look with a whistle around your neck. The best part of this costume, though, and you Packers fans will know what I’m talking about – paint your face like a clown.
3. Pirate
Ye can be a pirate! Wear a loose, long-sleeved white dress shirt and add a vest. Wear any kind of pants, but preferably not jeans. Add some boots, a belt and a bandana or feathered hat. An eye patch or jewelry is always good, too! If you want, put on some eyeliner (at Wal-Mart, eyeliner is $4) and smudged makeup for the grimy effect.
4. Katniss Everdeen
Wear a black shirt and black pants. Tuck the pants into boots. Find a black jacket or a hunter-green military-type jacket. French braid your hair. If you want to carry a bow and arrow around, you can find a toy one in a local thrift store (Family Dollar sells plastic toy weapons for $3).
5. The hippie look
This costume can be created many different ways. Wear a loose flower-print shirt, a fringe vest, wide pants or a long skirt and sandals. Put on some peace sign jewelry, rosy glasses and a headband. Don’t forget to flash that peace sign in all the pictures!
To find some of the items that may be missing from your costume, Wal-Mart carries everything from face paint to black tape to all the creepy and crawly things needed to scare everyone on campus. Even if you don’t like any of these ideas, there are plenty of cheap ways to get creative for Halloween, and costumes are the best part. Have fun with it!